Posted by: slider1111 | September 13, 2009

The Da Vinci Code…No not that one…

About a year and a half ago I was out to dinner with some friends and one of them recommended the book “How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci” to another.  It sounded interesting so I ordered the book and read it.  I really didn’t know much about Da Vinci prior to this and was astounded to see how the politics of the day had affected his life and work.  Perhaps most fascinating is the balance that he lived his life in and found connections between science and art and the world around us.  At various times I’ve picked up the book again and read sections, but have never gotten around to doing the exercises in it.  I figured that this deployment would be a good opportunity to dig a little deeper into the ideas presented in the book and maybe learn a little bit about myself along the way.

Step 1 is to perform self-assessments in a number of areas including curiosity, learning, perception, balance, etc.  which I actually completed some time ago, but never took it any further.  Now I’m going to take another look at those and progress on with some of the exercises with a goal of doing a little bit every day and hopefully increasing my awareness of the world around me and those in it.

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